Medium Duty Dehumidifier/Building Dryer

£37.00 - £222.00/Day

The FD30 DV Dehumidifier Building Dryer will help minimize the building time by creating the perfect conditions for the �Wet� trades such as plastering, finishing floors, and ceilings, painting and wallpapering.
Our Dehumidifiers will also decrease the risk fire and water damage.
The FD30 DV will extract approx. 34 Litres/24Hr. (Relative Humidity 75% Temp 20C).
The FD30 DV dimensions are 361 x 363 x 805 mm. For areas up to 140 cu m, 5000 cu ft.

Hire Rates

5hrs – £24.05 + VAT
1 Day  – £37.00 + VAT
2 Days – £48.10 + VAT
3 Days – £59.20 + VAT
Week – £74.00 + VAT
W/E – £44.40 + VAT

Day based pricing : Dehumidifier/Building Dryer (Medium Duty)
1 - 1 days : £37.00 Fixed
2 - 2 days : £48.10 Fixed
3 - 3 days : £59.20 Fixed
4 - 7 days : £74.00 Fixed
8 - 14 days : £148.00 Fixed
15 - 21 days : £222.00 Fixed
Pickup Date & Time
Return Date & Time

First name

Last name



